Notícias em Níveis: Inglês

Brazilian survives 11 days in a freezer – Notícias em Níveis: Inglês

Nível 1

Amapá is a state in Brazil. A Brazilian lives in Amapá. He is a fisher. He travels to the ocean to catch fish.

He has a boat. In the middle of the trip, the boat sinks. In the boat, a freezer. The fisher goes inside the freezer. He survives 11 days in the freezer. He is rescued in Suriname. Suriname is a country in the north of South America.

He is in Suriname for 14 days. He does not have documents. He is not allowed to stay. The Federal Police of Brazil rescue him. He is safe.

Catch = Have, get, possess / Sinks = Go down the water, Titanic sinks in the movie / Allowed = Have permission, be free

Nível 2

A Brazilian from the state of Amapá travelled to the ocean to catch fish. The trip was supposed to be 3 days. It became longer.

Unfortunately, cracks started appearing in his boat. He had a freezer and used it as protection. He could not sleep and saw the days passing by. He didn’t have food nor water. Some time later, the freezer started having cracks too, and he needed to use his hands to throw the water back to the ocean. To make things worse, he didn’t know how to swim.

As a miracle, a boat of other fishermen appeared and brought him to Suriname, a country in the north of South American. He was hungry and very weak. However, he didn’t have his documents and was held in the country for 14 days. An officer in Brazil was able to give him special papers to return to Brazil. Now, he is back with his family.

Cracks = Openings, holes / Nor = And not, Also not / Held = Detained, locked, prohibited to leave

Nível 3

A fisherman planned a 3-day trip to catch fish. Unfortunately, what should be another day in his job, became a reality check.

In the meantime of the trip, cracks started to appear in the vessel. As it could not get worse, the fisherman didn’t know how to swim. He found an unexpected way to survive in the ocean – a freezer. He jumped into the cooler and was stranded in the ocean, with no food, no water and no way to communicate with anyone. Sharks appeared around the freezer, he couldn’t sleep, he saw the dusk, the dawn, and asked God to send someone to help him.

Finally, after almost a fortnight stranded in the ocean, another boat of fishermen found the freezer and rescued him. Then, he was brought to Suriname, another country in the North of South America. Sad to say, not only he was weak and hurt from being stranded, he was held captive due to not having the documents to enter the country. Happily, a Police officer was able to grant him special documents to come back to Brazil. Finally, the fisherman is back to his house, and stated the was born again.

Vessel = Transport, boat, receptacle / Stranded = Alone, abandoned, in difficulties / Fortnight = A period of 14 days / Grant = Give, offer

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